Well, I went to the farm with high hopes yesterday. But, there were two things which I forget to plan for. Number one… the weather! We have had an unusually wet fall in our part of the state and today was no different. So, we had to dodge a few rain drops. Number two… life doesn’t like to run on schedules! My wife and I had planned to run some errands in Des Moines while the grandparents stayed at home with the kids. Things went longer than expected so we didn’t make it home as soon as we had hoped. Subsequently we didn’t make it to the farm until much later than hoped for. We did have a nice enough time to show of the Dexters and horses to my in-laws and I enjoyed being out in the pasture with my cows! But, no work was done.
On the positive side I’m excited about a couple of new reading materials I received and ordered. Today I received my first two back issues of the Stockman Grass Farmer magazine. I’ve looked at articles on-line and in a sample issue and it looks like a publication I will enjoy reading each month. In fact in the one issue that I have sampled so far there is an interesting little article about a heart surgeon who started a grass-finished beef business because he knows the health benefits first hand. Secondly, I ordered a copy of, “The Contrary Farmer,” by Gene Logsdon. I have read many good reviews about this book and I’m looking forward to sampling it myself. I think it will be as much about the world view and thought processes as about the ins and outs of “contrary farming”.
Finally, I’m heading out on a special farming related trip today. I’ll post some info on Wednesday or Thursday. Let’s just say I’m pretty excited about this trip!