Well, I managed to receive about 10 hours of sleep this weekend! The churches in our community banded together to host a 7 hour music festival on Saturday and let’s just say I was busy! But, it was fun and the local bands along with the headliners, Addison Road and The Afters, were awesome. Hopefully it will be a yearly thing, and hopefully I will be able to find other people (besides myself) to be the roadies! A box truck for the stage, one for the sound, one for the lights, and of course each bands gear … yep, that is enough hauling/setting-up/tearing down for one weekend. With that in mind (my lack of sleep), here are some bullet points from the farm.
- Today is our seventh wedding anniversary! It has been an awesome seven years and I’m looking forward to many more. Without the love and commitment from my wife our dream would not even be possible. I love you Becca…
- It is the 9th of June and we have already had 5 inches of rain for the month. And think, we are the dry ones compared to parts that have had 10 or more.
- The farm is wet, wet, wet! And since it is wet, wet, wet … not much has happened building wise. But, we are looking to get our temporary power in soon and our rural wanter line onto the property this week or next (depending on their schedule).
- The farm is now a used machinery home. We have the tractor, the haybine, the rack, my uncle’s plow, and the latest addition … our green (faded) barge box.
- Pending our pick up (once our temporary fencing is in place) we now have a Hampshire sow, a Tamworth boar (pretty excited about that), and their 5 week old offspring. We will have halves or wholes of pasture raised pork for sale fallish or so!
- Because of the above point we are going to put up a hog panel fence around our garden area (see point below). Hog huts and feeders are on the way once we go and get them.
- I plowed the garden are on what most resembled a dry day. It was sod … it was wet … my tires are old … it isn’t pretty … it is now something like a lake … but, it is somewhat done. The pigs will help a lot and then a tiller will finish it off. We hope to get some stuff in it for at least fall crops.
I’m tired, but Vacation Bible School is this week. I pray it goes well, we continue to make progress on the farm, and I get some sleep!
the picture above is from this weekend … that is the afters

Is that a picture of a new shade mobile for the dexters? 🙂
I’m really starting to feel the pressure to start getting some shade figured out.
I got my first Dexter calf yesterday morning. Still trying to get HIM to nurse but it seems like the birthing happened easily.
I hope that isn’t my shade mobile … because it isn’t to mobile and I don’t want to see it again for a long time!
As far as a real shade mobile, I have thought about getting a junky old wagon gear and building a lean to off the side that folds down for moving. Nothing fancy, but we bought a gear for 5 bucks last year.
Congrats on the bull calf. Have you tried a bottle yet? We ended up having to milk our cow so he could get his first milk … she did alright!
Happy Anniversary! It is my 7th anniversary today as well which prompted me to finally post a comment. I have been reading your blog for a couple of months now and have to tell you how much I enjoy learning from your experiences. I grew up in Missouri (all my family is still there and farming)and have dreams of returning and having some land of my own. Thanks so much for sharing your farm progress and all the new things you are trying and learning.