It has been awhile since a farm update, so I thought I would fill you in a little bit and then share some of the plans for our busy week.
The Update:
- Not much as progressed on the building front, other than spending a lot of time on the phone (thanks Becca) trying to get everything lined up.
- Hopefully we will close soon on the building loan, if all the lenders ever take a break from their vacation to work.
- Our Dexters seem to be doing okay, but I’m not impressed with the grass that is in the new pastures we are using this year. We set up some new fence at my dad’s farm and I really can’t wait until they get to our place.
- I started putting in some new fence for the pigs that will be coming soon … more on that in the plans.
The Plans:
- My dad and family are going to be gone for the next two-and-a-half weeks so I get the mower that they are testing. This is going to be a win/win for both of us. He gets some hours on the mower (thus some money) and I get a lot of mowing done that I have been waiting to work on.
- This week I plan on getting the rest of the fence posts pulled on the farm and the last of the brush cut out of the fence lines. Then we will be ready to tackle the fencing.
- Yesterday I got most of the fencing done for the new pigs (expect pictures tomorrow) and will finish a little up on Monday. This is just a temporary spot until we get all of our exterior fencing up, but it will be cattle panels with electric running inside … plenty to keep them in.
- We are going to get the house location staked out so we can hopefully have some electricity at our place once they start building.
- Finally, I plan on messing around with the garden out at the farm. Getting it ready this year has been impossible with the weather, but maybe we can transplant a few things and start a few things also.
A lot to do and it is only going to get busier, but we are mostly enjoying every minute!