Just thought I would do a little advertising here and let every one know about the upcoming American Dexter Cattle Association Annual General Meeting that is set to take place June 25th through June 28th in Fort Dodge, IA. Of course the event will include the normal membership meeting and keynote, but is should also include something for the everyone … especially those interested in learning more about the Dexter breed and seeing some good examples of what a good Dexter cow or bull looks like.
If everything comes together for me I would like to make a run up there for at least the show and the sale on Friday and Saturday just to see as many Dexters as possible. I think it would help me continue to develop my “perfect cow/bull” image and also will give me a chance to talk with some experienced Dexter cattlemen/women.
But, that is not the only reason to go. As you can see from the schedule there will be plenty of times for learning. There is going to be a session on beef marketing for small producers (ought to be worth while), a session training for show (something that would be fun to do sometime), and possibly even a session on grazing management.
The good thing for me is that all of this is in my home state, but if you are in the area or could be in the area I would encourage you to come on out and see some Dexters!