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As much as possible we try to do our planning in the winter season, but there are just some plans and goals that can’t be made until spring comes and you can get a handle on the state of farm. Spring usually uncovers some repairs that need to be made, projects that need to be tackled, and of course all sorts of other problems that come once the new enterprises are started. At least that has been the case on our farm. There are projects that I wanted to get done last fall that have been bumped to this spring … like the shade wagon for the cattle and sheep. There are projects that need to be done because they didn’t get finished before the ground froze … like the new pig paddock in the woods. And, there are brand new projects that weren’t even on the list last year … like the possibility of building another chicken wagon so I can brood chicks in it. That is the life of a farm though … ever changing goals and to-do lists!
On today’s episode I share and update from each of our main enterprises and then talk about some of my short-term goals. This years short-term goals include building projects and marketing projects. I would love to hear what spring has exposed at your farm! What are you working on? What are your short-term goals? Are there any big projects you have starter or plan on starting soon?
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As always, I want to thank you so much for listening and supporting the show with your encouragement and reviews on iTunes! I am continually working to produce a better show, and I’m thankful for all of the listeners sticking with me as I learn.
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I would love to hear your questions, show ideas, or comments about the show. Feel free to shoot me an e-mail! As always you can follow along with “The Beginning Farmer” and Crooked Gap Farm by checking out these links …

The only advice I can give about whether or not to keep the cow for another year is that almost every time I’ve given a cow a second chance, I usually have more trouble with her in the future. It doesn’t make any sense, but bad luck just seems to follow some cows. I’m almost to the point that if a tiger escaped from a zoo a hundred miles away, and it somehow made its way to the farm before killing and eating a cow’s calf, I’d still consider selling her even though it wasn’t really her fault that she lost her calf.
…Are there any big projects you have started or plan on starting soon?…
For years, I’ve been thinking about planting some trees in one pasture for a shelterbelt, windbreak, and shade. Hopefully I can get started on that before summer hits.