by Ethan
on June 30, 2009
We just got word from our builder that we are next in line to get our pole building up. This is the same builder that put up our house, and this pole building is almost the same dimensions as our house although it’s a tad bigger. We will be using this building for our shed to store hay and to have a place for animals when the weather is bad. We are really excited to finally get this up, and it will be helpful to have it up when we put up our fence also, which should happen in July.
So since we are starting round 2 of pole building construction, we figured it’s time to finish up after the first round. Or at least clean up after it. (We still have a fair amount of projects with our house until it is 100 % finished.) We’ve had a dumpster the last month that is getting emptied once one week. Our property is finally getting cleared of all of the construction garbage from building our house. All that is left is a pile of dry wall scraps behind the house, and in about 2 weeks we should have the majority of the property cleaned up again.
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by Ethan
on June 29, 2009
On Saturday we got up early and took the stock trailer up to Fort Dodge, IA for the American Dexter Cattle Association Annual General Membership auction. The AGM had been going on for a few days prior, but there was too much going on here at the farm so I could only get away for one day and I wanted it to be for the sale. I had been looking over the 38 Dexter cows, heifers, and bulls for the past couple of weeks and I had sort of put together a wish list.
Not that I was planning on buying anything for sure, but there were four or five that I was interested in bidding on if I felt the itch while I was at the sale. Really, what I’m looking for right now is that “great” herd bull. I didn’t see the “great” one on the sale bill, but there was a potentially nice one that I wanted to check out and there were also a few cows and heifers that caught my eye.
After sitting through all of the auction (about two hours) we could drive away with nothing in the trailer because I didn’t buy anything (which also helps the checkbook balance). What I did learn though is that I really like the most expensive ones. In fact the heifer pictured above is Wieringa’s Belle NQ and she brought the most money at the auction. I had picked her out from the pictures as one that I may be interested in and once I saw her in person I knew that I wanted her on the farm.
I told my wife that I would be willing to cull out a couple cows in order to get her and that I was going to try and bid … try being the key word on this one, because she went from a starting bid to $3,500 or so in no time! In the end the winning bid was $4,050 … way out of my league for one bred heifer (although she was really nice). The yearling bull calf I was semi-interested in sold for $850 (I decided I’d rather spend more money and see what they look like when they were older). Another dun heifer that I liked a lot sold for $2,250 and a black cow that I hadn’t really paid much attention to until I saw her in person sold for $2,525.
Even though I didn’t bring anything home it was a very profitable day because I was able to see some good examples of what I would like our herd to look like in the future, and I realized how much we need a new bull! On top of all that you can’t beat a day with the family … so I would say it was a win, win, win!
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by Ethan
on June 26, 2009
The past couple of weeks have been pretty oppressive here in Southern Iowa. There has been next to no breeze, plenty of heat, lots of thunder showers, and buckets of humidity. There have been more than a few days where you walked out and immediately started sweating like you had just run a marathon in the desert! And to think … it isn’t even July yet. But, we have been making it through the heat by taking some precautions and being careful.
- Of course I have been making sure to drink plenty of water. All those years in Boy Scouts are really starting to pay off and I know that it is important to not only drink water while you are working, but also before hand to help keep yourself hydrated. Also, ice cold water isn’t alway the best…
- The livestock need plenty of clean water as well, so we have been constantly refilling their waterers and making sure the water they have is clean. Usually I have to spray out a waterer once a day, but the livestock really need that clean fresh water.
- Breaks have also become a big part of the work. In cooler weather I just like to go and go because I usually have a limited time to do stuff, but in the oppressive heat and humidity that we have had it is important to take some time and rest.
- Another way I combat the sweltering summer is to put on my Amish hat (cheap and readily available). It isn’t very stylish, but it is straw so my head can breathe a little and the shade that it provides to my face, ears, and neck will be appreciated for years to come (no skin cancer please).
I’m not sure how all of you in the hot and humid south deal with this all the time, but I would love to hear your tricks and tips!
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by Ethan
on June 25, 2009
It has been a couple of weeks since the piggies were born, so I figured that it is time for a little piggy update. Momma sow continues to do a very good job with her motherly duties and all seven little pigs seem to be doing very well (although there is one slightly smaller than the others). She also seems to be keeping her condition and looking good despite her recent farrowing and the heat. I will admit that I’m very impressed with the Hereford breed if this sow is a good representation. The litters may not be as big, but she is doing a very good job and the pigs look great!
As you can see from the picture above the pigs have also figured out how to get out of the hut. I have a board up across the door, but now they are big enough to get a running jump and hop in and out (it is pretty funny to watch). They still spend most of their time in the hut, but do like to get out and wander around a little bit. In fact they even stray through the fence panels and into the winter cattle lot!
In other kinds of related pig news … Our sow’s first litter of pigs is just about ready to head to market. Again we are going to be selling by the half and whole and would love to have you as a customer! These pigs are a Berkshire and Hereford cross and have been growing very well. The combination of those two breeds should mean some pretty tasty pork (the Berkshire is known for the quality of its meat). If you are interested in purchasing a half or a whole just shoot us an
e-mail .
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by Ethan
on June 24, 2009
I have seen this kicking around on a few different blogs and thought it would be good to draw attention to it again because I think it says a lot about the current state of our political class and of course agriculture. On June, 17th Joel Salatin was invited to Washington D.C. to be a part of the Green Jobs Leadership Summit. The event didn’t turn out exactly as it was advertised, but what would you expect. By the end of the meeting Mr. Salatin had not been asked to say or do anything when he happened upon a comment line. Here is what he had to say (as best as he can remember):
“I’m amazed that after half a day of talk about green jobs and energy, I have not heard the word food, the word farm, or the word agriculture. I represent the local food movement and the pastured livestock movement, and we are tried of being marginalized, criminalized, and demonized by the USDA and this government. I’m a bioterrorist for letting my chickens run in the pasture. What good is it to have the freedom to own a gun, assemble, or worship if I can’t choose the fuel to feed my internal 3 trillion member community of bacteria to give me the energy to go shoot, pray, or preach? I propose that we have a Constitutional Amendment that allows every American citizen the right to choose their food. Government bureaucrats should not come between my mouth and my 3 trillion member internal community.”
I guess it is not exactly what they wanted to hear at the meeting (you can read Mr. Salatin’s post here), and he was eventually cut off. But, since they invited him and told him that he would have a chance to speak I think they should have listened. I do love the passion with which Mr. Salatin speaks. He does not mince words and he likes to paint a pretty impressive picture of this very important topic.
I agree with him that we want to be talking about “green jobs” (I have a feeling “green jobs” are kind of a feel good term more than anything else) we need to start with our agricultural industry because you can’t get much closer to “green” things than that. At the end of his post Mr. Salatin says, “Thus endeth Mr. Salatin going to Washington.” While that may be true for a time, I think he can continue to grow his voice in the agricultural world and that he will be more and more influential as time passes by.
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by Ethan
on June 23, 2009
I mentioned yesterday that one of the biggest obstacles that we are facing in our pasture renovation are the ant hills. When I tell people that we have ant hills I don’t think they can really picture what I’m talking about and up until we bought this place I wouldn’t have been able to picture it either. But when I say ant hills I’m talking anything from 6 inches to more than 12 inches high and anywhere from 10 inches across to over 2 feet across! Ant hills this large cause a problem when it comes to making hay because a sickle mower will not make it through them!
So, what I tried to do was take a picture of the ant hills. Just imagine 26 acres dotted like this and you will have an idea of what we are dealing with here. The cattle graze around and over them, but when they get done with an area you it looks something like the picture above.
Anyone else have any suggestions? I would love to hear them.
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by Ethan
on June 22, 2009
Last evening I had the opportunity to sit down at the farmer round table. Actually, it was just a meal with my uncle who has been farming for years and my younger cousin who grew up on the farm. They were up in the area around my home town for the WHO Radio Great Tractor Ride and I wanted to stop up and check out all the tractors. But, since it was my old stomping grounds I was also able to show them where to find a place to eat and we spent quite awhile catching up and talking about the things we are doing and need to do on the farm.
I have to admit that my Uncle has been one of my biggest helps as we try to break into this farming journey. He has helped us by passing along books and information, sharing equipment with us, giving us stuff, and of course sharing knowledge. Last night was all about the knowledge and chatting. It was even better because my cousin was there as well, so it was a great meeting of the minds (mine was more of a sponge than a mind).
After catching up on all the family news we spent a good amount of time brainstorming on ideas for our pasture. The anthills seem to be a bit bigger problem than I had thought just because they are so big and there are so many more than I realized when all you could see is tall grass. Knocking them all down might be a bit of a chore and then we also have to think about what state the forages are in.
Now that the cattle have grazed down various sections it almost looks like a prairie dog town and lots of shrubs! We talked about the possibilities of knocking everything down and then seeding and even discussed the option tearing it up and starting over. I think in the end we might do a little bit of all of the above … and then see what works the best. That way we can kind of see what works best for our farm and the way we want to run everything.
But, job number one is fence… ahh …
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by Ethan
on June 19, 2009
Just thought I would do a little advertising here and let every one know about the upcoming American Dexter Cattle Association Annual General Meeting that is set to take place June 25th through June 28th in Fort Dodge, IA. Of course the event will include the normal membership meeting and keynote, but is should also include something for the everyone … especially those interested in learning more about the Dexter breed and seeing some good examples of what a good Dexter cow or bull looks like.
If everything comes together for me I would like to make a run up there for at least the show and the sale on Friday and Saturday just to see as many Dexters as possible. I think it would help me continue to develop my “perfect cow/bull” image and also will give me a chance to talk with some experienced Dexter cattlemen/women.
But, that is not the only reason to go. As you can see from the schedule there will be plenty of times for learning. There is going to be a session on beef marketing for small producers (ought to be worth while), a session training for show (something that would be fun to do sometime), and possibly even a session on grazing management.
The good thing for me is that all of this is in my home state, but if you are in the area or could be in the area I would encourage you to come on out and see some Dexters!
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by Ethan
on June 18, 2009
I don’t want to begin to think that this summer is going to be a repeat of last years major floods (because I can still make it to the farm 3 out of 3 ways instead of 1 out of 3), but it does seem that the weather is hampering our efforts once again. Recently our weather has turned hot, 90º F today, and wet. In the words of one of our friends from church who has 90 acres of grass hay down on the ground, “I’ll have the cleanest hay in the county!” We don’t have any hay down yet, but the weather is playing a role in that.
As I mentioned earlier this week the weather has slowed down our porch building efforts, but it has also thrown a damper on the fence building project and on the shed construction. Now that soccer is done it has been so wet that I haven’t had the opportunity to get everything ready for the fencing project. There are some low spots along the fence line that need wood posts and they have been too swampy as of late. Also, since we don’t have the perimeter up yet I’m having to spend more time building temporary fence to keep everybody feed and happy. Hmm… the weather is working against me again.
The rain/mud has also caused a bit of havoc with our new shed. Of course when ever it rains it not only makes our place wet and muddy, but it also ruins a day, or days, of work at the site our builder is currently at. This all adds up to more waiting. Which means no hay yet because I don’t have a dry place to put it (and if you haven’t noticed yet, it rains).
The thing is though, that I’m not really going to complain because that is just he way things go sometimes. On a related note, the road in front of our drive is getting pretty bad. So bad in fact that the mail man asked us to let the county know so maybe we could get some more gravel. I do agree with him, a couple days ago I was driving up the hill (going straight) and had my wheels turned all the way to the left! Fun … Fun!
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by Ethan
on June 17, 2009
As I mentioned earlier I am using the five young heifer calves as a mower behind the house where we are going to construct the shed. I’m really having them gnaw it down to the nubs and attack the bushes and then I’ll go through with the mower afterwards to get what is left (which will be shrub stems). It is going really well and it is fun to watch them attack the fresh grass each day. I also like the fact that I can look out our bedroom window in the morning and see them laying down or grazing away!
Except there is one downside … since they are so close to the house they wake me up every time they moo! Normally the just get going in the morning or when they want some more grass, but last night they really started into it at two in the morning. This made me worried because I assumed it meant something was out there … and by something I mainly mean Mr. Bull (who also got out yesterday morning).
So, I peered out into the dark night that was also heavily covered by fog and I saw a lumbering mass next to their fence. I wasn’t sure what it was, but I just assumed it was the bull. So, I grabbed a flashlight and pulled on my boots ready to try and corral a bull at 2:00 AM. Luckily when I got out there I found it was just the haybine! My mind does play tricks on me in the middle of the night…
Just another one of the joys of our beginning farm.

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