Sometimes a picture says more about my thoughts on the farm than I could ever hope to express through my writing (or now through The Beginning Farmer Show … shameless plug). One of those times is right now. I’m not going to complain about the mud this year … because mud means moisture … but, it is a good picture of how I’m feeling right now.
In the winter there are fewer pigs, chickens, steers, and lambs leaving the farm in the way of sales and much, much, much more feed coming to the farm in the way of money leaving the bank account. Plus, in the spring, summer, and fall I get used to interacting with customers each week … and I love doing that!
One thing I know though … despite the snow that surprised me this morning when I went out to do chores spring is right around the corner and with it will come cattle and sheep on the pastures, pigs in the woods, chickens roaming around, and lots of opportunities to talk with our farm friends. Plus … there will be things for sale again … which is nice …

I’m pretty tired of muddy boots, too, but we still need the moisture pretty badly, so bring it on!
Speaking of muddy boots. I’m thinking of apprenticing on a farm in the near future and was wondering what kinda shoes would one need for the seasons of the year. I was checking out Bogs, and they seem pretty good.
I sure do know what you mean about appreciating the moisture. All winter when I’d start to get depressed and curse the rainy/icy days and sloppy muddy lots, I would force myself to think back to how terrible last summer’s drought was and I’d wipe that frown off my face!